Membership - Check out additional information abouth membership to the Blue Star Mothers of Southeastern Minnesota Chapter 10 group.
Meetings - Blue Star Mothers of Southeastern Minnesota Chapter 10 group has monthly meetings. Check out the additional information about these meetings.
Calendar - Our calendar enables you to see the activities the Blue Star Mothers of Southeastern Minnesota Chapter 10 group has coming up.
Fundraisers - Here is some additional information the Blue Star Mothers of Southeastern Minnesota Chapter 10 has for fundraisers in the area.
Our organization not only provides support for active duty service personnel, promotes patriotism, assists Veterans organizations, and are available to assist in homeland volunteer efforts to help our country remain strong.
Our Next Meeting ...
Meeting at 6pm
The Rochester Eagles Club,
917 15th Ave SE, Rochester, MN
If you care to make a donation to the Blue Star Mothers MN Chapter 10 our mailing address is: Blue Star Mothers of Southeastern MN Chapter 10
PO Box 334
Plainview, MN 55964
Thank you